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I used to boast that I could sleep in a boiler-maker's shop; but the long dread of that fellow's pilot had unnerved me. I had wild, distressing dreams. "The next morning, when I got to my office, I found a column of news cut from a morning paper.

"All hands to repair defenses!" was now the order, and the boys followed Mr. Johnson outside. "The scoundrels are busy this evening," he observed. "It sounds like a boiler-maker's shop," Dick said; "if only one in a hundred bullets were to hit, there would not be many alive by to-morrow morning." "No, indeed," Mr.

When I left the room, the boiler-maker's eyes were slowly turned towards her, as if his last hope of ever again seeing that vanished boiler lay in her direction. These people had never applied for parish relief but once; and that was when the husband met with a disabling accident at his work. Not many doors from here, I went into a room on the first floor.

"There's sure to be lots of people there," he declared, "but we can find a seat at the back quite easily." "What's it all about?" Maraton asked. "The proposed boiler-maker's strike," Aaron replied eagerly. "The meeting is really a meeting of the workpeople at Boulding's. But are you sure you won't go on the platform, sir?" Maraton shook his head. "That is just what I don't want to do.

With Mrs. Lucretia McSimpkins I had some relief. She was fond of operatic music, and, it is true, banged our piano out of tune at every visit, indeed, her efforts resembled a boiler-maker's establishment under full headway; but, when she did subside, her perfect and refreshing silence lasted for hours.