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"Don't say nothing, sir," panted his companion, whose voice sounded as if he had been running hard. "I couldn't bear it no longer, sir. I was being smothered. Can't you hear, sir? They ain't cheering, but our chaps is at work with the bay'net." "Yes, yes, I hear," said Archie hoarsely. "Well, sir, we are close inshore, and with a sharp run we could get in and help."

You could bay'net a few of them, for they are soft, plump sort of chaps; but these 'ere things is as hard as lobsters or crabs, and would turn the point of a regulation bay'net as if it was made of a bit of iron hoop. I sha'n't never forget that, Mr Sergeant Tipsy," he continued, addressing the jungle behind him as he looked in the direction of the cantonments.

"That's right, sir. We've got to escape, and I have begun preparations already." "Yes, that's right. What have you done?" "Got a spear to begin with, sir." "Ah, well, that's something." "Yes, sir something for you to handle like a bay'net if they won't let us go quietly." "Right right!" "And the next thing, sir, is for you to get strong to handle it." "Ah, and I am so weak!"

Why, we've got at 'em at last with the bay'net. They've been playing at shooting behind a stone and firing at a target targets being us till we've been sick of it, and then up on horse and gallop away; but we've got at 'em at last with the bay'net, and there's no need to think." "But," I cried excitedly, as I strained my ears to listen, "they're coming back." "Eh?" cried the Sergeant.