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I was then between nine and ten years of age having lost my mother in earliest infancy, and lived with aunt Martha Baur ever since I could remember. The change from Nuremberg to Bruehl was for me like the transition from Purgatory to Paradise. I enjoyed for the first time all the delights of liberty.

Now I am permitted to offer it only to the manes of Gustav Baur; for a few months ago death snatched him from us.

"At yon three Gairman spies, gaun' up a close for tae despatch some wireless telegraphy fufty roonds fire!" To which Private M'Leary, not to be outdone, responds "Public hoose in the baur back o' seeven o'clock twa drams fower fingers rapid!" From this it is a mere step to "Butt Pairty, 'shun! Forrm fourrs! Right! By your left, quick marrch!" on a bleak and cheerless morning in late October.

The quantity and quality of the otto are much influenced by the character of the water used in distilling. When hard spring water is employed, the otto is rich in stearoptene, but less transparent and fragrant. The average quantity of the product is estimated by Baur at 0.037 to 0.040 per cent.; another authority says that 3,200 kilos. of roses give 1 kilo. of oil.

Baur, Strauss' own teacher in Tübingen, afterward famous as biblical critic and church-historian, said of Strauss' book, that through it was revealed in startling fashion to that generation of scholars, how little real knowledge they had of the problem which the Gospels present.

All this and much more of the same import we find in those epistles which Baur admits to be the genuine writings of Paul. In short, it may be said that after the thorough discussion to which his theory has been subjected for the last twenty-five years, it has scarcely a sound leg left to stand on.

In the different accounts of the conversion of Paul there are also disagreements which we cannot reconcile; nevertheless, in the words of Dr. The theory of Baur that this book was written in the last part of the second century by a disciple of St.

Close by was Niebuhr's History, in the title-page of which a few lines in the historian's handwriting bore witness to much 'pleasant discourse between the writer and Roger Wendover, at Bonn, in the summer of 1847. Judging from other shelves further down, he must also have spent some time, perhaps an academic year, at Tubïngen, for here were most of the early editions of the 'Leben Jesu, with some corrections from Strauss's hand, and similar records of Baur, Ewald, and other members or opponents of the Tubïngen school.

To Baur it was clear that if advance was to be made beyond Strauss' negative results, the criticism of the gospel history must wait upon an adequate criticism of the documents which are our sources for that history. Strauss' failure had brought home to the minds of men the fact that there were certain preliminary studies which must needs be taken up. Meantime the other work must wait.

I now learned that everybody connected with the Princess was thoroughly accustomed to such disturbances. Here, too, the house soon filled with all sorts of guests: Herwegh and his wife came, Dr. Wille and his wife, Kirchner, and several others, and before long our life in the Hecht yielded nothing, in point of activity, to our life in the Hotel Baur.