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As for M. Paul, it is I who will go and get him when we know where he is. "With respect, your servant, "Rosalie." Jeanne set out for Batteville one very cold, snowy morning. Jeanne never went out now, never stirred about. She rose at the same hour every day, looked out at the weather and then went downstairs and sat before the parlor fire.

They were points which need not be pressed, if England were prepared to make a treaty which would be advantageous to Spain, and if Portugal received no encouragement from England. If Clarendon disliked the Spanish alliance he disliked quite as much the methods of Court intrigue by which it was pressed. Batteville was astute enough to take a correct measure of English courtiers.

The Spanish Ambassador, Batteville, had, at his very first audience, pressed for the surrender of Jamaica, which had been taken from Spain by the King's rebellious subjects. He claimed also that Dunkirk and Mardyke, which had been handed over to Cromwell in virtue of his treaty with France, should be restored to their rightful sovereign. These demands he made, seemingly as matters of form.

The Baron de Batteville, who had defended it valiantly, and for a long time, obtained a capitulation worthy of such a resistance. On this occasion the court of France compelled its rival of Spain to submit to the mortifying circumstance of acknowledging the French superiority.

Jeanne gave all but six hundred francs, which she held back; but Rosalie soon saw through her tricks, and she was obliged to hand it all over. However, she consented to her sending this amount to the young man. A few days later he wrote: "You have rendered me a great service, my dear mother, for we were in the greatest distress." Jeanne, however, could not get accustomed to Batteville.

Then a month after this visit, she signed the deed of sale, and bought, at the same time, a little villa in the hamlet of Batteville, standing on the Montivilliers high-road, near Goderville.

When they lost sight of the chateau behind the tall trees she felt a wrench at her heart, convinced that she had bid a last farewell to her old home. When they reached Batteville and just as she was going into her new house, she saw something white under the door. It was a letter that the postman had slipped under the door while she was out.

The Baron de Batteville, who had defended it valiantly, and for a long time, obtained a capitulation worthy of such a resistance. On this occasion the court of France compelled its rival of Spain to submit to the mortifying circumstance of acknowledging the French superiority.

Our King, I heard, ordered that no Englishman should meddle in the business, Louis certainly held that opinion; and he afterwards instructed D'Estrades to solicit from the English court the punishment of those Londoners who had insulted his ambassador, and to demand the dismissal of De Batteville.

A month later, she signed a deed of sale, and also bought herself a little cottage in the neighborhood of Goderville, on the high road to Montiviliers, in the hamlet of Batteville.