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"I am no more a metafore than yourself, Sir Hurricane; but I'll tell you what, you are a cock-and-hen admiral, a dog-in-the-manger barrownight, who was jealous of my poor tom-cat, because I won't say what.

"I am no more a metafore than yourself, Sir Hurricane; but I'll tell you what, you are a cock-and-hen admiral, a dog-in-the-manger barrownight, who was jealous of my poor tom cat, because , I won't say what.

We joined Anderson, who was sitting down at the other end of the walk, when my father communicated to him what had passed. As my father conducted Virginia home, she said to him, "Why do you call him sir, and her lady?" "Because they are quality people, child. He is a barrownight, and she is Lady Hercules." "Are all barrownights and ladies so much bigger than other people are in general?"

"Ay, ould Sir Edward a good man; but he had a woman to his wife, and if ever there was a divil Lord bless us! in any woman, there was one, and a choice bad one, too, in her. The present barrownight, Sir Thomas, is as like her as if she had spat him out of her mouth.

It was the celebrated Sir William Johnson, Bart., of Johnson Hall, Johnstown, Albany, now Fulton County. The son of Sir William Johnson was knighted during his father's life-time, and was Sir John while Sir William was living. At the death of his father, he was Sir John Johnson, Kt. & Bart.; and it was usual for the common class of people to style him a Knight, of Barrownight.

If there's a man on this earth that's a livin' divil in flesh and blood, it's Sir Thomas Gourlay, the Black Barrownight; and if there's a man livin' that would go half way into hell to punish him, I'm that man. Now, sir, you said, the last day you were here, that you were a gentleman and a man of honor, and I believe you.

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