United States or Saint Barthélemy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The candidate on this occasion made no fresh utterances to entertain, he merely repeated the catch cries of his party; but the air was heavily charged with human electricity, and the questions and "barracking" of the crowd were supremely diverting. "Are you in favour of the Chows going to South Africa?" bawled one elector. "My dear fellow, we are going to govern New South Wales not South Africa."

As soon as Leslie Walker Ernest Breslaw's step-brother had been elected as the Opposition candidate for Noonoon, canvassing, "spouting," war-whooping, and all manner of "barracking" began with such intense enthusiasm that fortunately Miss Flipp's sad fate was speedily driven out of our thoughts.

Now and again at these stops there would be canteens run by English and American women, and the home-cooking and delicacies they smilingly gave us were a reminder of the barracking of the womenfolk that makes courage and endurance of men possible. These are the untiring heroines that uphold our hands till victory shall come, and so the women fight on.

Someone bawled from the doorway that "supper was up." Billets are a form of barracking troops in a number of barns and stables spread over as small an area as possible. The one salient advantage of these shelters is fresh air; it comes in with icy gusts through these apertures made for the purpose and whistles through cracks in the door if there is a door and gaps where once glass had kept it out.

Looking back, I think there was a bit of romance about it: Mary singing under the vines to amuse a Jackaroo dude, and a coward going down to the river in the moonlight to fight for her. It was very quiet in the little moonlit flat by the river. We took off our coats and were ready. There was no swearing or barracking.