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The impression was not simple, but the boy liked it: distinctly it remained on his mind as an attraction, almost obscuring Quincy itself. The want of barriers, of pavements, of forms; the looseness, the laziness; the indolent Southern drawl; the pigs in the streets; the negro babies and their mothers with bandanas; the freedom, openness, swagger, of nature and man, soothed his Johnson blood.

Some wore very pretty hats made from cane-tops, and trimmed with hibiscus blossoms or passion-flowers; others wore bright-coloured handkerchiefs, knotted lightly round their flowing hair, or wreaths of the Microlepia tenuifolia. Many had tied bandanas in a graceful knot over the left shoulder. All wore two, three, four, or even six beautiful leis, besides long festoons of the fragrant maile.

Florent was astonished by the calmness of the female market gardeners, with bandanas and bronzed faces, displayed amidst all this garrulous bargaining of the markets. Behind him, on the footway of the Rue Rambuteau, fruit was being sold. Hampers and low baskets covered with canvas or straw stood there in long lines, a strong odour of over-ripe mirabelle plums was wafted hither and thither.

She had several bandanas, but when Lily saw her put on the red silk one, the little girl knew she was going out "dressin' fur prom'nade" as the old lady termed it. "You are going after Helen," said the little girl, clapping her hands. She sat on her father's lap: "And we want you to hurry up, Mammy Maria," he said, "I want all my family here. I am going to work to-morrow.

"Just one word explains it," said Haines. "Barry!" "What did he do?" This from every throat at once. There was a general loosening of bandanas. The eyes of Jim Silent gleamed. "And all Elkhead knows that he's the man who took you out of jail?" he asked eagerly. "Right. He's put his mark on them," responded Haines, "but the girl, Jim!" "By God!" said Silent. "I've got him!