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Surface's second marriage had been clandestine, but it was genuine; in Newark the young man found the old clergyman who had officiated at the ceremony. His mother, it seemed, had been Miss Floretta May Earle, a "handsome young opery singer," of a group, so Tim said, to which the gentleman, his father, had been very fond of giving his "riskay little bacheldore parties."

Bhaer, and follows him about the house like a dog whenever he is at home, which delights him, as he is very fond of children, though a 'bacheldore'. Kitty and Minnie Kirke likewise regard him with affection, and tell all sorts of stories about the plays he invents, the presents he brings, and the splendid tales he tells.

So I said: 'Haven't you ANY children, Mr. Peggotty? 'No, master, he answered with a short laugh. 'I'm a bacheldore. 'A bachelor! I said, astonished. 'Why, who's that, Mr. Peggotty? pointing to the person in the apron who was knitting. 'That's Missis Gummidge, said Mr. Peggotty. 'Gummidge, Mr. Peggotty?

His nose, which had seemed irregular and large, was suddenly virile. She was jarred out of this serious sweetness when Marbury bounced over to them and with horrible publicity yammered, "Say, what do you two think you're doing? Telling fortunes or making love? Let me warn you that the doc is a frisky bacheldore, Carol. Come on now, folks, shake a leg.

Between waves of his hand as he drove off mosquitos, Nat whispered, "Say, doc, you don't feel like imagining you're a bacheldore again, and coming out for a Time tonight, do you?" "As how?" "You know this new dressmaker, Mrs. Swiftwaite? swell dame with blondine hair? Well, she's a pretty good goer.