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That's as bad as bad can be, you don't have to search out hidden sins. 'I at least am not perverting the right, the Azubian flings out, 'because the Talmud itself says that the law of the land is law, but you are committing an actual sin against the Torah in cursing.... The sentence was never finished, for the monitor had been standing behind the table observing the boys for some time, and when he saw the excitement of the Azubian, being deaf, he could not hear what he said, he threw himself upon him, and, seizing him by the ear, shook him as violently as his strength permitted, crying, 'You wretches, you rebels, there, that's for you! and he beat another boy with his fists, and struck a third upon his cheeks.

If pain keeps him abed, we shall have a respite. 'But aren't you committing a sin, cursing a deaf man? interposes one of the boys, indignantly. 'Look at that Azubian! A saint, isn't he? Proof enough that he has seven sins hidden in his heart! retorts the Zabualean. 'No need of any such proof! Why, this very Azubian could not resist the tempter, and is hard at work studying Russian.

'The monitor has rained profuse kisses upon the Azubian for defending him! one of the boys paraphrased Proverbs, drawling in the approved sing- song, and keeping his eyes fixed upon his book. The others burst into loud laughter at the sally. Even those who were still smarting from the monitor's blows could not restrain themselves and joined in. 'Are you making fun of me?