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The slaveholding church, with its Coveys, Weedens, Aulds, and Hopkins, I could see through at once, but I could not see how Elm Street church, in New Bedford, could be regarded as sanctioning the Christianity of these characters in the church at St. Michael's. I therefore resolved to join the Methodist church in New Bedford, and to enjoy the spiritual advantage of public worship.

Sent cakes as presents to Mrs Bambray and Mrs Dunlop. March 12 All tired after the week's sugar-making. Surprising what a quantity was made, due to the Aulds and Brodies helping, who got their share. March 18 Have had no sugar-weather this week; frosty with strong winds, and some snow. Allan, with help of Mr Auld, began hauling boards from sawmill, which we will need for barns.

'The man who draws the long one, gets the east half, and the short one the west. Brodie drew the long bit of stick and Auld the short. It was agreed to raise Brodie's shanty first, as he had young children, and the Aulds could stay with them until their own shanty was ready. Brodie selected the spot for his home, and we began at once to cut the trees that stood upon it.

The Aulds had always taken an interest in Douglass's career, he had, indeed, given the family a wide though not altogether enviable reputation in his books and lectures, and this good lady had followed the procession for miles, that she might have the opportunity to speak to her grandfather's former slave and see him walk in the procession.