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"I admit," answered Arthur, "that there is little prospect of success in a conflict with them: but I regard our fate as certain if we submit, and we can but be slain in resisting. I am so fully satisfied of Atollo's designs in respect to him, that I should feel in giving him up, as if I were an accessary to his murder."

And now Atollo's whole demeanour changed: the time for caution and coolness was passed; the moment for destroying his disabled foe had come. While his followers set up an exulting yell, he darted forward to follow up his advantage: the triumphant ferocity of his look is not to be described.

For the moment we appeared to be entirely forgotten. "This must be Wakatta," said Arthur eagerly, "it can be no other. There is hope yet." With a rapid sign for us to follow, he glided down the nearest trunk, and, darting past Atollo's party, he succeeded in the midst of the confusion, in reaching the old man and his band, who stood upon the shore of the islet.

Each of the two combatants regarded the other with the air of a man conscious that he is about to meet a formidable adversary; but in Atollo's evil eye, there gleamed an assured and almost exulting confidence, that increased my anxiety for his aged opponent; his manner, nevertheless, was cautious and wary, and he did not suffer the slightest movement of Wakatta to escape him.

Atollo's quick eye for it was he ran from one to another of us, until it rested upon Eiulo, when coming down to the margin of the brook, he pronounced his name in a low, clear voice, and beckoned him with his hand to come over to him.

Gathering a small, but resolute, band of warriors, they awaited the favourable moment to strike a decisive blow; and then, emulating the secrecy and suddenness of Atollo's recent enterprise, they sallied forth at night, from their rendezvous in the forest and fell upon him and his adherents.