United States or South Africa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Your telautomatic torpedo model was tested yesterday and I take great pleasure in stating that it was entirely successful. There is no doubt that the United States is safe from attack as long as we retain its secret. Very sincerely yours, DANIEL WATERS, Ass't Sec'y. "Oh, Craig," congratulated Elaine, as she handed back the note. "I'm so glad for your sake. How famous you will be!"

Lieutenant-Colonel, Aide-de-camp, and Act'g Ass't Adj't. Gen'l." "HEADQUARTERS, September 17, 1862. BRIG. GEN. S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant-General. GENERAL, Your dispatch of yesterday this moment received. These aides returned shortly before three o'clock, and they immediately proceeded to post the three columns.

With much respect, I am, sir, your obedient servant, W.A. POILLON, Captain and Ass't. Sup't. Freedmen. Brig. Gen. A true copy of the original deposited in this office. CHARLES A. MILLER, Major and A.A.A. General. No. 23. Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 8, 1865.

John O'Neill, 5th Indiana Cavalry. "There appears to be no remedy for the evil referred to by General Sturges. "By command of "R. MOORE, Ass't. Adj't. Gen.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J.H. WEBER, Captain and Acting Ass't. Com'r. Freedmen's Bureau for Western Dist. Miss. Colonel SAMUEL THOMAS, Ass't. Com'r. Bureau Freedmen, &c., Vicksburg, Miss. No. 27. Vicksburg, Mississippi, September 28, 1865.

The negroes are as free as other people. This ordinance, if enforced, would be slavery in substance, which can never be. Attend to this matter with all the vigor at your command. I have consulted General Canby, who concurs with me in the matter. THOMAS W. CONWAY, Ass't. Comm. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c., State of Louisiana. Lieutenant S.E. SHEPARD, Provost Marshal, Parish of St.

Late orders and instructions from the President convince me that I was mistaken, and that the trial is to be made. BUREAU REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Office Ass't. Commissioner for State of Miss., Vicksburg, Miss., September 20, 1865. "Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Washington, May 30, 1865.