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'Bout all them teachers is good for anyway settin' like ladies twiddling at the leaves of a book, an' thinkin' themselves somethin' fine because they know a few words of Latin, an' can figure with an x. Algebry is all very fine in its way, but I guess plain arithmetic is good enough for most folks.

"What on earth have I got to give, I'd like to know?" Ozias Lamb tapped his head. "How about that?" he asked. "How about the strength you're puttin' into algebry an' Latin? You don't expect ever to learn enough to teach, do ye?" Jerome shook his head. "Well, then it's jest to improve your own mind. Improve your mind what's that? What good is that goin' to do your fellow-bin's?

Then the teacher he tried him with such a Algebry. But Absalom he'd get so mixed up! he couldn't keep them x's spotted." "I have a method," Mr. Fairchilds began, "which I trust " It was very hard to have to obey. She longed so to stay till Fairchilds should come safely through his fiery ordeal.

Ye don't seem to be a using Parsings' Grammar either?" "No," said the master, relenting still more as he glanced at Uncle Ben's perplexed face with a faint smile. "And I reckon you'd be saying the same of Jones' 'Stronomy and Algebry? Things hev changed. You've got all the new style here," he continued, with affected carelessness, but studiously avoiding the master's eye.