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And from amid the mourners, one tall, stately figure, robed in purple velvet, turned his face to the Scribe, saying, with out-stretched hand and in a voice of ineffable love "Shalom Aleichem." And the Scribe was shaken, for lo! it was the face of the Christ. Did he haunt the Wailing Wall, then, sharing the woe of his brethren? For in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre the Scribe found him not.

He has the universal note as few English writers may claim it, and he stands apart from his creation with absolute detachment. His work, together with that of Asch, Aleichem, Perez, and one or two others establishes Yiddish as a great literary tongue. A further series of these tales are promised if the present volume meets with the response which it deserves. This is a companion volume to Mr.

Luce. 4. #Easton.# Golden Bird. Knopf. 5. #Evans.# My Neighbours. Harcourt, Brace, and Howe. 6. #Galsworthy.# Tatterdemalion. Scribner. 7. #Huxley.# Limbo. Doran. 8. #O'Kelly.# The Golden Barque, and the Weaver's Grave. Putnam. 9. #Trevena.# By Violence. Four Seas. 10. #Wylie.# Holy Fire. Lane. #The Ten Best Translations# 1. #Aleichem.# Jewish Children.

We travelled to Isota on the Austrian frontier. As we sat at the railway-station there, wondering how we were going to smuggle ourselves across the frontier, in came a benevolent-looking Jew with a long venerable beard, two very long ear-locks, and a girdle round his waist, washed his hands ostentatiously at the station tap, prayed aloud the Asher Yotzer with great fervour, and on finishing his prayer looked everyone expectantly in the eyes, and all responded 'Amen. Then he drew up his coat-sleeve with great deliberation, extended his hand, gave me an effusive 'Shalom Aleichem' and asked me how it went with me.