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"A-w, dawn't noo, docther." "Bother! It's for yourself, mind. Take it. There. And now unlock the door. That's it. Good night, Mrs. Flanagan." "An' meh thuh Hawly Vurgin hape bless'n's on ye, Docther Rinton, wud a-ll thuh compliments uv thuh sehzin, for yur thuh " He lost the end of Mrs. Flanagan's parting benedictions in the moonlit street.

The phlegmatic Zacheus, whose left leg had been crossed above his right, now reversed the crossing. "A-ll right er Pansy Blossom," he drawled. "What is it you're trying to tell us you know? Heave it overboard." "Hey?... Oh, I mean I've remembered what 'twas I wanted to ask you, Mr. Bangs. Me and Zach was talkin' about Miss Martha.

She was beginning upon the word "A-ll", but the pine-knot winked itself out in a dazzlement on "dance," in an effulgence of sparks that fell like golden rain upon the hearts of the visitors. "Will it will it be an outdoor affair a piazza dance?" gasped Una. "Oh-h! I do love.... Now! Andrew!"

Bother, an' all, an' sure an' I cudn't see him wud his fur-r hat, an' he a-ll boondled oop wud his co-at oop on his e-ars, an' his big han'kershuf smotherin' thuh mouth uv him, an' sorra a bit uv him tuh be looked at, sehvin' thuh poomple on thuh ind uv his naws." "The what on the end of his nose?" "Thuh poomple, sur." "What does she mean, Mrs.