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Leander answered that such a vast sum would be too long a-counting, and therefore, if he would say how many rooms full he desired to have, the princess was generous and rich enough to satisfy him.

"No," I said. "Didn't they hang the highwaymen in chains, Ike?" "To be sure they did. I see one myself swinging about on Hounslow Heath." "Wasn't it very horrible?" "I dunno. Dessay it was. Just look how reg'lar old Bonyparty goes along, don't he just in the same part of the road? I dessay he's a-counting all the steps he takes, and checking of 'em off to see how many more he's got to go through."

Leander answered that such a vast sum would be too long a-counting, and therefore, if he would say how many rooms full he desired to have, the princess was generous and rich enough to satisfy him.

'And there's his very self a-standing at the gate a-counting how many times the hammer falls a minute, and how much gold is a-coming from every blow as it falls. With this little observation as to Mr. Crinkett's personal character, the miner made his way back to his companions. Polyeuka Hall

Suppose I should tell you, to begin with, who your guinea lodger is?" "That you could never do, Mrs. Cheeseman, with all your time a-counting changes. He is not of the rank for a twopenny rasher, or a wedge of cheese packed in old petticoat." These two ladies now looked at one another.

I think it takes her mind offen her troubles and I can't say her no if it do help her, not that I want to, for she's a real comfort." "Well, if it was me I couldn't take no comfort in a play-acting girl. I'd feel like locking up what teaspoons I had and a-counting over everything in my house every day. It's just like you, Mis' Mayberry, to take her in.

From an early age, the younger Samuel exhibited a marked aptitude for this sort of activity, and was less likely to be found "in his countinghouse a-counting of his money" than in some hospitable tavern or back shop discussing town topics with local worthies. Samuel Adams was born to serve on committees.

"Here's a pan of delicacies for the hens, and this bucket is for you to bring some shelled corn for Miss Rose Mary to parch for them, when you come to the house." "I'm not a-counting on going any time soon," answered Uncle Tucker with a shrewd glance up at Everett as he came and stood in the doorway beside the tall young man, who lounged against one of the door posts.