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Saddling up an hour or two later he continued his steady onward "shack" toward the West. Once or twice he passed in sight of cattle ranches, but he rode on without stopping, though he was hungry and weary. Once he met a couple of cowboys who reined out and rode by, one on either side of him, to see what brands were on his horse. He was sufficiently waywise to know what this meant.

It was noticeable that in the crowd that hustled along the pavement Adam moved like a puppy not yet waywise, but with lifted face, while Eve followed with her head bent, seeing nothing but his heels. She observed that his boots were hardly worn at all. Three or four times, as they went along, Adam would eye a shop window and turn in at the door, while Eve waited.

"Is it seemly," he rebuked them, "that the Prophets of God act like madmen?" "Our lot is awful," said they. "The lot of the backslider is justifiably awful," was Paul's rejoinder. "You have prophesied too diligently of your own glory." "You are learned in the Law, Paul," said Moses. "Make us waywise." "Send abroad a messenger to preach damnation to sinners," answered Paul.

"'Colonel, if you please, dear, said mother, 'he is not your father; and the old lady seemed as if she didn't half fancy any body calling him that but her own children. Whether that is natural or not, Miss Jessie," said I, "I don't know, for how can I tell what women thinks?" "Oh, of course not," said Janet, "you are not waywise, and so artless; you don't know, of course!"