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"There's a place up in the hills behind my house, a day's ride," he said, "where I go hunting now and then, and I've an idea a little house like this would be just the thing for me. Mind if I look it over?" Pop tamped his pipe. "Sure thing," he said. "Look as much as you like." He stepped to a corner of the room and by a ring he raised a trapdoor. "I got a cellar 'n' everything.

Men there set it straight and tamped the gravel around it. Neale and his partner went back for another, passing a dozen couples carrying ties forward. Behind these staggered the rows of men burdened with the heavy iron rails. So the day's toil began.

At the end of half an hour the Piccadilly Tube was lined with sufficient explosive material securely rammed and tamped to ensure the permanent closing of the line. Still no Boche had been seen or heard. "Now, Howie," said Bertie the Badger, fingering the fuse, "what about it?" "About what, sirr?" inquired Howie, who was not quite au fait with current catch-phrases.

The French only knew of the higher one, and they found out after the place was taken that their advanced trenches were quite mined and loaded in the lower tier. In the Bastion du Mât there were no less than thirty-six mines loaded and tamped. I saw one myself in the upper tier when I was surveying it.

I glanced at Gwen; her face had a set expression, and she was deathly pale. "There were, however," he continued, "places where the gravel had been tamped down as if by the pressure of a rectangular board.

Next a good large fire-place and chimney were built in one corner by means of stones and mud, and then the roof was put on a thatched one of prairie grass. The floor was dirt compactly tamped. My furniture was very primitive: a chair or two, with about the same number of camp stools, a cot, and a rickety old bureau that I obtained in some way not now remembered.

The main sap was run some 500 feet, until it was under a fort on Cemetery Hill. Wings were constructed to the right and left of the sap or tunnel, so that about four tons of powder were placed under the fort, tamped with sand bags and wood.

Then, calmly selecting a dry twig from the pile of firewood, thrust the end through a hole in the broken stove, and after much noisy puffing at length succeeded in igniting the tightly tamped tobacco in his pipe-bowl. "Thank you," said Bill, contemplating his few remaining matches. "You're a bashful soul, aren't you? Did you ever serve a term in the Legislature?"

The heaviest cedar posts were tamped in place for the outer fence and a six-wire barrier held range cows back from the bottoms which would soon be in growing crops. It crossed the flats below the lower filings and followed the road that held to one side of the valley clear to the Three Bar lane.

Next a good large fire-place and chimney were built in one corner by means of stones and mud, and then the roof was put on a thatched one of prairie grass. The floor was dirt compactly tamped. My furniture was very primitive: a chair or two, with about the same number of camp stools, a cot, and a rickety old bureau that I obtained in some way not now remembered.