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If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

The Whigs, I hear, were the Liberals of those days. The two Pitts were Tories. The greatness of England has been built up by the Tories. I do and will defend them: it is the fashion to decry them now. They have the honour and safety of the country at heart. They do not play disgracefully at reductions of taxes, as the Liberals do. They have given us all our heroes. Non fu mai gloria senza invidia.

For of other affections, there is occasion given, but now and then; and therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other. And it is also noted, that love and envy do make a man pine, which other affections do not, because they are not so continual.

He therefore devised 'invidentia, to express the active envy, or the envying, no doubt desiring that 'invidia' should be restrained to the passive, the being envied. Nor is this the only unsuccessful candidate for admission into the language which Cicero put forward.

The Whigs, I hear, were the Liberals of those days. The two Pitts were Tories. The greatness of England has been built up by the Tories. I do and will defend them: it is the fashion to decry them now. They have the honour and safety of the country at heart. They do not play disgracefully at reductions of taxes, as the Liberals do. They have given us all our heroes. Non fu mai gloria senza invidia.

If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

"Splendid!" interrupted the Signora. "But singolare." "So much the better; did not that great English Lady wear such a jacket, and did not every one admire her, piu tosto invidia the compassione?" Isaura sighed. Now the jacket of the Signora was a subject of disquietude to her friend.

If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

It was many a long year," he said, "since Fordun had quoted as an ancient proverb, 'Neque dives, neque fortis, sed nec sapiens Scotus, praedominante invidia, diu durabit in terra."

"Splendid!" interrupted the Signora. "But singolare." "So much the better; did not that great English Lady wear such a jacket, and did not every one admire her, piu tosto invidia the compassione?" Isaura sighed. Now the jacket of the Signora was a subject of disquietude to her friend.