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From the time the Cæsar cut her cable, she and the Audacious were constantly engaged with the Indomptable, Meuron, and island batteries, and occasionally with the Dessaix, as they could bring their guns-to bear; but the perpetual flaws of wind rendered this very difficult, and exposed them frequently to a severe and raking fire from the enemy.

Lucar to recall the Superb, and make sail with the Pompée, Hannibal, Spencer, Audacious, and Venerable, for the entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar; making the signal to prepare for action, and for anchoring by the stern. Le Formidable, 84. Dessaix, 84. Indomptable, 74: and Meuron, 38. The day was beautiful, with a light air from the westward.

The duke of Buckingham and Chandos in his Memoirs pays tribute to her talent, piquant charm and "untarnished name," while her enemy, Prince Napoleon Plon-Plon thus characterizes her: "Ambitieuse, un esprit indomptable, une réputation sans tâche."

however, Captain Don Diego Fernandez Calderia trained four guns to bear upon the beach, which was protected by the Laguna militia regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Juan de Castro. So Captain Brenton, Naval History, says 97. In vol. ii. p. 84, speaking of Trafalgar, he informs us that the French ship Indomptable , M. Hubart, was wrecked off Rota, where her crew, said to be 1,500 men, all perished.

Tone was in the Indomptable, 80 guns, commanded by a Canadian, named Bedout; Hoche and the Admiral in the frigate Fraternite; Grouchy, so memorable for the part he played then and afterwards, was second in command. They entered Bantry Bay, and came to anchor, ten ships of war, and "a long line of dark hulls resting on the green water."

Boats were signalised for the purpose; but, being all employed with the Pompée, or sunk by the enemy's fire, it was found impracticable. A breeze again sprung up, and Sir James directed his ship to be laid alongside of the Indomptable, in the firm resolution of carrying her. The sails were trimmed for that purpose as well as the crippled state of the masts would allow, but a calm ensued.

Did you never hear Colonel Cutler and Major Slasher talking over the war after dinner? or Captain Boarder describing his action with the 'Indomptable? 'Hang the fellows, says Boarder, 'their practice was very good.

Shortly afterwards, the Audacious and Cæsar were becalmed upon the broadside of the Indomptable, without being able to bring one of their guns to bear, the Cæsar not more than three cables' length from the island battery, and the Audacious still nearer, both ships drifting on the reef. It was at this time that Sir James Saumarez formed the resolution of attacking the island with marines.

2nd Squadron. 1st Squadron. 3rd Squadron. St. Ferdinand, Formidable, Argonauta, St. Antonio, R. Carlos, Dessaix, Hermenegildo. Indomptable. St. Augustin. Fr. frigate Sabina, Vautour. A red pendant, under any other signal, signifies it is directed to the French ships only.

As soon as it was dark we sent our boats in and set fire to them, and as one was laden with oil it made a blaze that could be seen fifty miles away. Unfortunately three French line-of-battle ships were within that circlethe Indomptable, the Dessaix, and the Formidableand they ran in to ascertain the cause of the fire.