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Updated: August 27, 2024

Vessie waved at him reassuringly. "'Sall right, Mr. Calvin," he shouted. "Here's your lumber from Ze-lotes Snow and Co., South Harniss, Mass., U. S. A. 'Sall right. Let 'er go, Simp! Let 'er blankety-blank go!" Mr. Mullen responded with alacrity and a whoop. A half dozen boards crashed to the ground beneath the parlor windows. Mrs. Calvin rushed to her husband's side.

The creation by word-power of something out of nothing what is that but magic? And, I may add, what is that but literature? Half the world's greatest poetry is simply 'Les echelles noires manquent de vessie, translated into magic significance as, 'Black ladders lack bladders. And you can't appreciate words. I'm sorry for you." "A mental carminative," said Mr. Scogan reflectively.

Calvin had risen by invitation to say a few words of encouragement, the westerly wind blowing in at the open windows bore to the noses and ears of the assembled faithful a perfume and a sound neither of which was sweet. Above the rattle and squeak of the Young wagon turning in at the Calvin gate arose the voices of Vessie and Simp uplifted in song.

He did not get a chance to tell it, for Albert walked off and left him. At half-past twelve that afternoon he engaged "Vessie" Young christened Sylvester Young and a brother to the driver of the depot wagon to haul the Calvin lumber in his rickety, fragrant old wagon. Simpson Mullen commonly called "Simp" was to help in the delivery.

"This is DREADFUL, Seabury!" she cried. "Send those creatures and and that horrible wagon away at once." The Reverend Calvin tried to obey orders. He commanded Mr. Young to go away from there that very moment. Vessie was surprised. "Ain't this your lumber?" he demanded. "It doesn't make any difference whether it is or not, I "

For example, I proffer the constatation, 'Black ladders lack bladders. A self-evident truth, one on which it would not have been worth while to insist, had I chosen to formulate it in such words as 'Black fire-escapes have no bladders, or, 'Les echelles noires manquent de vessie. But since I put it as I do, 'Black ladders lack bladders, it becomes, for all its self-evidence, significant, unforgettable, moving.

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