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Updated: August 29, 2024

I also said that if you did not come out to me, I would go in to you. And as I had often promised, I came." "I know of no promise." "In the earlier letters?" "Yes, you promised, but as I neither asked nor answered, it was unratified. So I do not know of any such promise. But I do know of another, which you, too, may remember. It was very long ago."

A very short interval ought now to bring the answer, which shall be communicated to you as soon as received; then also, or as soon after as the public interests shall be found to admit, the unratified treaty and proceedings relative to it shall be made known to you.

A treaty, if of later date, and in conflict with a law passed by Congress, repeals so much of the law as it conflicts with; but an unratified protocol, or any other international agreement, no matter by what name it is called, not submitted to the Senate, does not have the effect of a treaty, as that term is defined in the Constitution.

She had Stubbs and his publisher pilloried, and their right hands struck off on the strength of a most iniquitous misinterpretation of a law of Queen Mary's. When the two months were over it was still unratified, and the whole negotiation was treated as having lapsed.

There were cases, I found, where the protocol submitting a claim to arbitration had been sent to the Senate and ratified, and it was the general rule that where a claim is presented by a foreign Government against this government, and the same is submitted to arbitration, it is done by treaty. I took occasion to look into the question of the effect of an unratified protocol.

The Filipino committees in London, Paris and Madrid about this time telegraphed to President McKinley as follows: "We protest against the disembarkation of American troops at Iloilo. The treaty of peace still unratified, the American claim to sovereignty is premature. Pray reconsider the resolution regarding Iloilo. Filipinos wish for the friendship of America and abhor militarism and deceit."

Limited as it was, the act operated as an effective check upon persecution till the passing of the Six Articles Bill. Turning next to the relations between England and Rome, the parliament reviewed the Annates Act, which had been left unratified in the hope that the pope might have consented to a compromise, and that "by some gentle ways the said exaction might have been redressed and reformed."

Altogether, what Elizabeth desired was a compromise between Mary and the Scots lords, by which both should assent to her restoration as queen with Murray as actual ruler, coupled with the confirmation of the unratified Treaty of Edinburgh, and the establishment of the Anglican form of worship as Elizabeth's price.

It appears, however, that the treaty is still unratified and that the minister has no authority to surrender the territory.

While we are adjusting our relations with the rest of the world is it not of capital importance that we should clear away all grounds of misunderstanding with our immediate neighbors and give proof of the friendship we really feel? I hope that the members of the Senate will permit me to speak once more of the unratified treaty of friendship and adjustment with the Republic of Colombia.

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