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'Och, by the hoky, says Jim, 'it's too long I'm makin' a fool iv mysilf, gostherin' wid you outside iv my own door, says he, 'for it's plain to be seen, says he, 'you don't know what your're sayin', an' no one ELSE knows what you mane, you unforthunate fool, says he; 'so, onst for all, open the door quietly, says he, 'or, by my sowkins, I'll not lave a splinther together, says he.

'Oh! says she, 'there's no use in purtendin', I know he's kilt himself; he has committed infantycide an himself, says she, 'like a dissipated bliggard as he always was, says she, 'God rest his soul. Oh, thin, isn't it me an' not you, Jim Soolivan, that's the unforthunate woman, says she, 'for ain't I cryin' here, an' isn't he in heaven, the bliggard, says she.

'Oh, voh, voh, it's not at home comfortable with your wife an' family that you are, Jim Soolivan, says she, 'but in the other world, you aumathaun, in glory wid the saints I hope, says she. 'It's I that's the unforthunate famale, says she, 'an' not yourself, Jim Soolivan, says she.

'Jim Sulivan, says she, 'it's in your dacent coffin you should be, you unforthunate sperit, says she; 'what is it's annoyin' your sowl, in the wide world, at all? says she; 'hadn't you everything complate? says she, 'the oil, an' the wake, an' the berrin'? says she.

'Oh, says he, when he seen that, 'it's a poor chance I have, says he; 'an' bad luck was with me the day I kem into this unforthunate place, says he; 'but any way there's no use in bein' freckened now, says he; 'for if I am to die, I may as well parspire undaunted, says he.

"And it's all right," replied the other. "Well, as I was going to say, that Mrs. Mainwaring is breakin' her heart about this unforthunate marriage of her daughter to Scareman. It seems but this is between ourselves it seems, my dear, that he's a dark, hard-hearted scrub, that 'id go to hell or farther for a shillin', for a penny, ay, or for a farden.

He couldn't help, in spite av himself, lookin' now an' thin at the picthur, an' he immediately obsarved that the eyes av it was follyin' him about, an' starin' at him, an' winkin' at him, wheriver he wint. "Oh," says he, when he seen that, "it's a poor chance I have," says he; "an' bad luck was with me the day I kem into this unforthunate place," says he.

So away wid him, and the dhrums and fifes playing, an' a dozen more unforthunate bliggards just listed along with him, an' he shakin' hands wid the sargent, and swearin' agin the women every minute, until, be the time he kem to himself, begorra, he was a good ten miles on the road to Dublin, an' Molly and all behind him.