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I have something to say to you. You know already what it is." They went into the library. Throgton, his hand unsteady, lighted a cigar. "Well," he said, "what is it?" "Mr. Throgton," said Kent, "two weeks ago you gave me a mystery to solve. To-night I can give you the solution. Do you want it?" Throgton's face never moved. "Well," he said.

Transome Kent by your true name, Peter Kelly, murderer, I denounce you." Kent walked quietly across to Throgton and dealt him a fearful blow behind the ear. "You're a liar," he said, "I am not Peter Kelly." They sat looking at one another. At that moment Throgton's servant appeared at the door. "A gentleman to see you, sir." "Who?" said Throgton. "I don't know, sir, he gave his card."

Kent was here, and everywhere, moving ceaselessly, pro and con, watching for Kelly. For hours he stood beside the soda-water fountains examining every drinker as he drank. For three days he sat on the steps of Masterman Throgton's home, disguised as a plumber waiting for a wrench. But still no trace of Peter Kelly.

The Riverside mystery is solved." Kent waited in silence a moment. Then he heard Throgton's voice not a note in it disturbed: "Has anybody found Kelly?" "Mr. Throgton," said Kent, and he spoke with a strange meaning in his tone, "the story is a long one. Suppose I relate it to you" he paused, and laid a peculiar emphasis on what followed "over a game of billiards."

The red ball was left over the very jaws of the pocket. The white was in the centre. Kent looked into Throgton's face. The balls were standing in the very same position on the table as on the night of the murder. "I did that on purpose," said Kent quietly. "What do you mean?" asked Throgton. "The position of those balls," said Kent. "Mr. Throgton, come into the library.

When I have joined the last links of the chain, may I come and tell you all?" She looked full in his face. "At any hour of the day or night," she said, "you may come." Then she was gone. Within a few moments Kent was at the phone. "I want four, four, four, four. Is that four, four, four, four? Mr. Throgton's house? I want Mr. Throgton. Mr. Throgton speaking? Mr. Throgton, Kent speaking.