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Give me that there plate to pour the candy in." "Look, 'Telia, what Chick traded me!" Myrtella cast a side glance at Bertie's extended palm, and promptly rescinded the deal. "Ain't you ashamed of yourself, Chick Flathers! Tradin' a little fellow's fine marbles fer them comman allies? It's cheatin', that's what it is, it's stealin'! Ain't you ashamed?"

He wouldn't even come for Aunt 'Telia, but Mis' Queerington was different; she understood fellows. She had said that the doctors would fix his throat so that he could yell louder than any boy on Billy-goat Hill! All the suppressed yells of a dozen years quivered on his lips at the thought of it! "Chick, here's a orange and some cookies I brought you."

I ain't got a bit of patience with people that get theirselves sick in bed and be a nuisance to everybody, just for the pleasure of slopping around in the slush on a day like this. I'm going to fix you some toast and a egg, while he's hitchin' up." "Go on with the story, 'Telia," demanded Bertie, carefully bestowing a nose on the dough man.

It was Aunt 'Telia who sat down by the bed and took his hand. "If you ever get well Aunt 'Tella's going to take you to the circus, or the seashore, or somewheres." The seashore presented no concrete idea, so Chick preferred to dwell upon the circus, but even that alluring prospect could not hold his attention while so many disturbing things were taking place about him.