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He minded that ropes was unco saft things, and the solan's neb and the Bass Rock unco hard, and that twa hunner feet were raither mair than he would care to fa'. "Shoo!" says Tam. "Awa', bird! Shoo, awa' wi' ye!" says he. The solan keekit doun into Tam's face, and there was something unco in the creature's ee. Just the ae keek it gied, and back to the rope.

"Well," said I, "there can be no bogles here, Neil; for it's not likely they would fash themselves to frighten solan geese." "Ay?" says Andie, "is that what ye think of it? But I'll can tell ye there's been waur nor bogles here." "What's waur than bogles, Andie?" said I. "Warlocks," said he. "Or a warlock at the least of it. And that's a queer tale, too," he added.

I was fighting to reach the switch, Solan to prevent me; and, though we stood not three feet from it, I could not win an inch toward it, for he forced me back an inch for the first five minutes of our battle.

Solan, get out the best engine you've got in the yards, couple to it a caboose, and put on a crew to make a run to Elkins Junction, as quick as God'll let you! Do you understand? Give me Schwartz and his fireman.... Yes, and Corcoran, too. Andy, this is a case of life and death of life and death, do you understand? See that the line's clear, and no stops.

I knew that if I were to throw it in time to save the oncoming fleet it must be done in the next few seconds, and so I tried my old rushing tactics; but I might as well have rushed a brick wall for all that Solan gave way.