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Why'd we take him along with you hanging on in a faint if he were dead? When the snetha-knife kills, it kills completely. They stay dead, or they don't die. Sagittarian?" She nodded, and the big man seemed to be doing some calculations in his head. "Yeah," he decided. "It would be. There was one second there around midnight when all the signs were at their absolute maximum favorableness.

"But they used the snetha-knife! Dave Hanson, you never died! It was only induced illusion by that that Bork! And to think that I nearly died of grief while you were enjoying yourself here! You ... you mandrake-man!" He grunted. He'd almost managed to forget what he was, and he didn't enjoy having the aircraft worker find out.

That's why we tried to kill you. If I could, I'd kill you now, with the snetha-knife so they couldn't revive you." Dave said reasonably, "You can't expect me to like it, you know. The Satheri, at least, saved my life " He stopped in confusion. Bork was staring at him in hilarious incredulousness that broke into roars of laughter. "You mean ... Dave Hanson, do you believe everything they tell you?

He had spent too many hours under the baking of the sun, the agony of the snetha-knife and the lash of an overseer's whip. The agony could not be stopped, but he'd learned it could be endured. His fantastic body could heal itself against whatever they did to him, and his mind refused to accept the torture supinely. He took a step toward Sather Karf, and another.

A few men were just planning to leave, and they looked at Dave suspiciously, but made no protest. One, whom Dave recognized as the leader with the snetha-knife, scowled. "The risings are almost due, Bork," he said. Bork nodded. "I know, Malok. I've decided to let Dave Hanson watch. Dave, this is our leader here, Res Malok."