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A more rational hygienic measure for the relief of itching and smarting about the vaginal orifice consists in removing the secretion as soon as it appears. In other words, the external parts should be kept clean and dry. Cold sitz-baths are useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

I should think our friendship would bear any strain, for it does not depend on external ties." "No, that's true. Now, as to your phalansteries and women's clubs and sitz-baths, why that's all flummery to me. But young women must have their whims until they have husbands to occupy their minds, I suppose. "I really cannot say," sharply. "But as to our friendship, Maria " "Yes.

They will be found to be most refreshing after great muscular fatigue, and, when taken after the hot tub-bath, greatly lessen the susceptibility of the individual to taking cold. Sitz-baths. These are given for their local effect in cases of inflammation; whether this inflammation be of the kidneys, bladder, or of the uterus and its adnexa.

LIVER-SPOTS. These, on the face, must probably be endured, as no trustworthy way of driving them off is known. JAUNDICE. See the doctor. Proper living is most likely to alleviate it. Wearing a wet girdle in daytime or a wet compress at night, sitz-baths, and friction with the wet hand may also be tried. If the pain is severe a mustard poultice may be used.

The temperature of the room in which this bath is taken should be 72° F. Shower-baths cause too great a shock to the nervous system, and they as well as foot-baths must be prohibited. Sitz-baths at a temperature from 110° to 90° F. may be taken just before retiring throughout the pregnancy.

PREVENTION. Practice the laws of sexual abstinence, take frequent sitz-baths, live on oatmeal, graham bread, and other nourishing diet. Avoid highly seasoned food, rich gravies, late suppers and the like.

Sitz-baths, foot-baths, plunge-baths, douches, and wet-sheet packings, speedily began to do their work upon Mr. Lane; and what with bathing, walking, hill-climbing, eating and drinking, and making up fast friendships with some of his brethren of the Water Cure, he appears to have had a very pleasant time of it. He tells us that he found that

She tried iron, sitz-baths, and the like: of course they were of no avail. Latterly I have lost sight of her, and, from her appearance at her last visit to me, presume she has gone to a world where back-ache and male and female skeletons are unknown.