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"I beg your pardon, Madame Pratolungo, I was deep in thought. Please state your business briefly." Saying those words, he waved his hand magnificently over his empty sheets of paper, and added in his deepest bass: "Sermon-day." I told him in the plainest words what I had seen on his child's frock, and what I feared had happened at Browndown. He turned deadly pale.

All this time he was letting the soutar stand on the doorstep, with the new boots in his hand. "Come in," he said at last, "and put them there in the window. It's about time we were all going to bed, I think especially myself, to-morrow being sermon-day!" The soutar betook himself to his home and to bed, sorry that he had said nothing, yet having said more than he knew.

It was sermon-day, and he had to write his discourse that very afternoon. A quaint idea seized him. 'Aha, he said, almost gaily, in his volatile irresponsible fashion, 'I have my text ready; the hour brings it to me unsought; a quip, a quip! I shall preach on the Pool of Bethesda: "While I am coming, another steppeth down before me."

He was expected back on "sermon-day" that is to say on Saturday in the same week. I returned to my room, a little out of temper. In this state my mind works with wonderful freedom. I had another of my inspirations. Mr. Dubourg had taken the liberty of speaking to me that evening. Good. I determined to go alone to Browndown the next morning, and take the liberty of speaking to Mr. Dubourg.