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Updated: August 11, 2024

The same man, on being commanded to have his child re-baptized, asked for permission to pray before he gave his answer. Having done this, he asked the magistrate to give him a paper assuming the responsibility and the sin of the transaction. This demand so embarrassed his persecutor that he was discharged without further molestation.

"What a singular caprice to change the name of his heroine in the last hour." "But that is not the case," Egon answered. "The change was made long before we left Rodeck. Hartmut took it into his head that 'Ada' was too cold and clear-cut a name for the passionate character of his heroine, so he re-baptized her." "But the name 'Ada' is here on the programme," interrupted the princess.

The wits of the Netherlands, seeking relief from their wretched condition in a still more wretched quibble, transposed two letters of the word Pardona, and re-baptized the new measure Pandora. The conceit was not without meaning. The amnesty, descending from supernal regions, had been ushered into the presence of mortals as a messenger laden with heavenly gifts.

The wits of the Netherlands, seeking relief from their wretched condition in a still more wretched quibble, transposed two letters of the word Pardona, and re-baptized the new measure Pandora. The conceit was not without meaning. The amnesty, descending from supernal regions, had been ushered into the presence of mortals as a messenger laden with heavenly gifts.

R. She maintained it now, and would maintain it until her life's end. Q. And nevertheless, as had been seen by witnesses, she had been re-baptized by him in the sea in broad daylight. Here again she blushed, and for a moment was silent. Q. Why did she blush again? She should for God his sake think on her salvation, and confess the truth.

She was re-baptized, but only by way of precaution. It was not necessary, for our baptism, you know, is recognised by Rome." "And that was all!" "All, with a first communion and confession. It is all consummated now; as you say, 'It is too wonderful. A first confession, and to Nigel Penruddock, who says life is flat and insipid!" "I shall write to her: I must write to her.

The travellers took different routes, in order to arrive at the same point of destination. In his wanderings the Major came unto an unheard-of Lake, which, with the spirit which they of the Guards surely approved, he christened 'Lake Waterloo. Clapperton arrived a few days after him; and the pool was immediately re-baptized 'Lake Trafalgar. There was a hot quarrel in consequence.

The wits of the Netherlands, seeking relief from their wretched condition in a still more wretched quibble, transposed two letters of the word Pardona, and re-baptized the new measure Pandora. The conceit was not without meaning. The amnesty, descending from supernal regions, had been ushered into the presence of mortals as a messenger laden with heavenly gifts.

I married a couple a short time ago, and afterwards found that the priest had been unwearied in calling upon the woman who was a professed Protestant, and never ceased to repeat to her their opinions of heretics, till, with the persuasion of her husband, they prevailed upon her to be re-baptized, and re-married by them in the nominal profession of the Catholic faith.

For she, among the other plague-spots of her iniquity, even tried to have certain Catholics re-baptized: but when her husband did not consent, on account of his reverence for St. Severinus, she gave up immediately her sacrilegious intention, burdening the Romans, nevertheless, with hard conditions, and commanding some of them to be exiled to the Danube.

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