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Updated: August 8, 2024

Saturday the 19. of Iune, the Generall commanded that the captaines should deliuer out victuals but twice a day, to wit, 6. and 6. to a messe: for 6. men, 5. cans of beere of Roterdams measure euery day, 5. pounde of breade and no more; a cheese of 6. l. euery weeke, one pound of butter weekely, likewise pease, beanes, or Otemeale twise a day, according to the order.

The Pittington, Durham, Twelve Men, a sort of parish executive and administrative body, enact in 1584 "that everie iiij pounde rent within this parrishe, as well of hamlets as townshippes, shall gras winter and somer one shepe for the behoufe of this church;" and we are told that these "Church Shepe," as they were called, were here one of the chief means of raising funds for parochial purposes.

And John he caste him a gods-pennie; But for every pounde that John agreed, The land, I wis, was well worth three. The Galwegian John o' the Scales was a more clever fellow than his prototype.

Then John he did him to record draw. And John he caste him a gods-pennie; But for every pounde that John agreed, The land, I wis, was well worth three. The Galwegian John o' the Scales was a more clever fellow than his prototype.

Likewise in the houses of knightes, gentlemen, marchauntmen, and other wealthie citizens, it is not geson to beholde generallye their great provision of tapestrie Turkye worke, pewter, brasse, fine linen, and thereto costly cupbords of plate woorth five or six hundred pounde, to be demed by estimation.

To suche as lacke money thei lende, but for shamefull gaines: that is to saie, two shillynges of the pounde for euery Monethe. And if it fortune ye to faile to make paiemente at the dale: ye shall also be forced to paie the enterest, acording to the rate of the Vsurie. That is to saie, of euery tenth penie, one.

Then John he did him to record draw, And John he caste him a gods-pennie; But for every pounde that John agreed, The land, I wis, was well worth three. Heir of Linne. The Galwegian John o' the Scales was a more clever fellow than his prototype. He contrived to make himself heir of Lione without the disagreeable ceremony of "telling down the good red gold."

Then John he did him to record draw. And John he caste him a gods-pennie; But for every pounde that John agreed, The land, I wis. was well worth three. The Galwegian John o' the Scales was a more clever fellow than his prototype.

This being dispatched we fell once more debating of suche instructions given by the Counsell in England to several Governo^rs as might be converted into lawes, the last whereof was the Establishment of the price of Tobacco, namely, of the best at 3d and the second at 18d the pounde,...

Certes in noble men's houses it is not rare to see abundance of array, riche hangings of tapestry, silver vessell, and so much other plate as may furnish sundrie cupbordes to the summe ofte times of a thousand or two thousand pounde at the leaste; wherby the value of this and the reast of their stuffe doth grow to be inestimable.

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