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"Good-by, Will; I shall come to see you again soon; and my mother gives me a commission to buy I don't know how many specimens of your craft." A SMART pony-phaeton, with a box for a driver in livery equally smart, stood at the shop-door. "Now, Mr. Chillingly," said Mrs. Braefield, "it is my turn to run away with you; get in!" "Eh!" murmured Kenelm, gazing at her with large dreamy eyes.

When the Guestwick fly came for Mrs Eames, and the parson's pony-phaeton came for him and Mrs Boyce, a great relief was felt; but the misery of those who were left had gone too far to allow of any reaction on that evening. The squire yawned, and the earl yawned, and then there was an end of it for that night. The Second Visit to the Guestwick Bridge

Squire Naseby, on sitting down to lunch, had inquired for Dick, whom he had not seen since the day before at dinner; and the servant answering awkwardly that Master Richard had come back, but had gone out again with the pony-phaeton, his suspicions became aroused, and he cross-questioned the man until the whole was out.

His daughter drove the pony-phaeton, with her friend, a Miss Thurston. Regular nobby ones. Chapman's the steam-ship man, you know. Worth thousands of millions! I'd like to be connected with his family by marriage, say!" and Jerry went off, rubbing his cropped head and smiling all over, as was his wont. "I know who they are now," said Charley.