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But now I heard a voice suddenly exclaim, "Where is the English stranger? It was he gave Rob Roy the knife to cut the belt." "Cleeve the pock-pudding to the chafts!" cried one voice. "Weize a brace of balls through his harn-pan!" said a second. "Drive three inches of cauld airn into his brisket!" shouted a third.

He was a pock-pudding Englishman, a great hash of a man with the chest of him slipped down below his belt, and what was he but bragging about the rich people he came of, and the rich soil they flourished on, its apple-orchards and honey-flowers and its grass knee-deep in June.

Gentlemen were for ever going to wars or coming from them; were they not of the clan, was not the Duke their cousin, as the way of putting it was, and by his gracious offices many a pock-pudding English corps got a colonel with a touch of the Gaelic in his word of command as well as in his temper.

David Drummond and the young ladies murmured to one another their disgust that the English pock-pudding should not suppose Scots able to keep their heads with their own hands; but, as Jean sagely observed, 'No doubt he would not wish them to have occasion to hurt any of the English, nor Jamie to have to call them to account.

But now I heard a voice suddenly exclaim, "Where is the English stranger? It was he gave Rob Roy the knife to cut the belt." "Cleeve the pock-pudding to the chafts!" cried one voice. "Weize a brace of balls through his harn-pan!" said a second. "Drive three inches of cauld airn into his brisket!" shouted a third.

When I was brought from the solitude of my mother's dwelling into the tumult of the Gaits' Class at the High School when I was mocked for my English accent salted with snow as a Southern rolled in the gutter for a Saxon pock-pudding, who, with stout arguments and stouter blows, stood forth my defender? why, Alan Fairford.

"Ou," he said, "what better could be expected of a wheen pock-pudding English folk? "Can this be really true?" said I. James's Palace.

"Ou," he said, "what better could be expected of a wheen pock-pudding English folk? "Can this be really true?" said I. James's Palace.