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Updated: July 31, 2024

Then, when Fox was in court and wanted to know where their proof was that he kilt his wife, w'y, Wright he jumps up and says that riddle to the judge and all the neighbers that was there. And so when they got it all studied out w'y, they tuk old Fox out and hung him under the same tree where he buried Mrs. Fox under.

I'm awful little fer my size I'm purt' nigh littler 'an Some babies is! an' neighbers all calls me 'The Little Man'! An' Doc one time he laughed an' said: 'I 'spect, first think you know, You'll have a little spike-tail coat an' travel with a show! An' nen I laughed-till I looked round an' Aunty was a-cryin' Sometimes she acts like that, 'cause I got 'Curv'ture of the Spine'!"

Do you s'pose I'd swap Josiah Allen for all the fellers that ever swarmed on the globe? What do you s'pose I care for the latest improvements? If a feller was made of pure gold from head to feet, with diamond eyes and a garnet nose, do you s'pose he would look so good to me as Josiah Allen duz? "And I would thank the neighbers to mind their own business, and let my affairs alone.

I does 'members, dat sum de neighbers say dey wuz treated prutty mean, but I don't 'member much 'bout it 'caise I'se leetle den." "Wher'd I sleep? I neber fergit dat trun'l bed, dat I sleep in. "Marsa John's place kinda stock farm an' I dun de milkin'. You all know dat wuz easy like so I jes' keep busy milkin' an' gits out de hard work.

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