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"Why thin now do you think me sich a born nathral as to give in to that? as if the ringin' iv the bell, barrin' it was a blissed bell, could do the like. I tell you it's unpossible." "Ah, nothin' 's unpossible to God." "Sure I wasn't denyin' that; but I say the bell is unpossible."

"By dad," says Barny, "they may rack their brains a long time before they'll make out a purtier invintion than potteen, that rum may do very well for thim that has the misforthin' not to know betther; but the whiskey is a more nathral sper't accordin' to my idays." In this, as in most other of Barny's opinions, Peter and Jemmy coincided.

"A most logical deduction, Paddy." "And is it a great deal farther, your honor, the tay country is?" "Yes, Paddy, China it is called." "That's, I suppose, what we call Chaynee, sir?" "Exactly, Paddy." "By dad, I never could come at it rightly before, why it was nathral to drink tay out o' chaynee.

You're sure you know the four points of the wind?" "By dad, it would be a quare thing if a seyfarin' man didn't know somethin' about the wind anyhow. Why, Captain dear, you must take me for a nathral intirely, to suspect me o' the like o' not knowin' all about the wind. By gor, I know as much o' the wind a'most as a pig." "Indeed, I believe so," laughed out the captain.

'Coons'd be all right but they're liable f'r to hand ye ye'er food in ragtime, an' if ye ordher pork-chops f'r dinner an' th' hall is long,'tis little ye'll have to eat whin th' platter's set down, I says. 'No, says I, 'they'se no naytionality now livin' in this counthry that're nathral bor-rn servants, I says. 'If ye want to save throuble, I says, 'ye'll import ye'er help.