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"Yes," I says, "I been laying here fur quite a spell, and quite natcheral I listened to you, as any one else would of done. And mebby I can get that team and wagon of yourn without it costing you a cent." Well, they didn't know what to say. They asts me how, but I says to leave it all to me.

Passes here most days in his car, he does always running over from Buddesby, as is but natcheral." Starden Hall gates stood about a quarter of a mile out of Starden village, and midway between the village and the Hall gates was Mrs. Bonner's clean, typically Kentish little cottage. Artists were Mrs. Bonner's usual customers. The cottage was old, half-timbered and hipped-roofed.

Well, a feller can be a derned fool sometimes. Fur all my looking around I wasted a lot of time before I thought of going to the one natcheral place the freight depot of the road them bottles had been shipped by. I had lost a week coming down. But freight often loses more time than that. And it was at the freight depot that I found him. Tickled? Well, yes! Both of us.

"He's afraid we're plottin'," Pearl whispered. "Can't trust no one. He ain't howlin'. That's his natcheral voice when he's talkin' Rooshan. He don't know one English word, only 'Goo! But he'll say that every time. See now. How is a precious luvvy-duvvy? See the pitty man, pull um baby toofin!"

"Well, as I was a-say'n', Isaac don't seem to haf no natcheral pent for the glothing business. Man gomes in and wands a goat," he seemed to be speaking of a garment and not a domestic animal, "Isaac'll zell him the goat he wands him to puy, and he'll make him believe it 'a the goat he was a lookin' for. Well, now, that's well enough as far as it goes; but you know and I know, Mr.