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Updated: August 17, 2024

By These twin lips I love thee extreamely. Sis. Sweare by your owne. Cou. They shall bee mine. Mounsier, For your penance you shall along and witnes. Sis. What, I pray? Cou. The Priest shall tell you; come, we have both dissembled, We do love one another. Sis. Tis not possible. Cou. Unless you will denie me i'the church.

I wil give you a little of a late ensample. There wer come out of Cicelie, into the kyngdome of Naples, a power of Spaniardes, for to go to finde Consalvo, who was besieged in Barlet, of the Frenchemen: there made against theim Mounsier de Vhigni, with his menne of armes, and with aboute fower thousande Duchemen on foote: The Duchemen incountered with their Pikes lowe, and thei opened the power of the Spaniardes: but those beyng holp, by meane of their bucklers and of the agiletie of their bodies, mingled togethers with the Duchemen, so that thei might reche them with the swearde, whereby happened the death, almoste of all theim, and the victorie to the Spaniardes.

Beside, all reverence to the calling, I Have vowd never to marry, and you know Love may bring a Man toot at last, and therefore My fine Gewgaw do not abuse me. Sis. How can I When you will neither Love nor marry me? Cou. I was not made for a husband. Sis. But I would make you. Cou. I know what you would make me. Enter Servant. Ser. Mounsier Device, if you be alone, would present his service. Cou.

Is there not a weesill crept into your Chamber, lady? Sis. A weesill, sir? Cou. A Mounsier sucklegge. Sis. Do you take my Chamber for a henns neast? Cou. There is a thing that calls himselfe Device, One that will break the hart of a post horse To continue a hand gallop with him; your Alamode, Your fighting faery feather'd footed servant, When saw you him? Sis.

"What say you, Mounsier, Conquered!" exclaimed an honest sailor, to whom a stander-by was explaining the mystic words; "shiver my timbers, who ever dared to call us 'Conquered' yet?" and so saying, was proceeding to extinguish the unlucky blaze, when a civil explanation, to which British bravery is ever ready to yield, restored Peace, and allowed Concord to continue.

Mounsier Device, I must entreat a Courtesie; you have wit, and I would have a Masque to entertaine my new father-in-law Sir Walter Littleland. Mistres Dorothy, now my wife, is his onely Daughter and heire. Do. Who has guld you thus? I am no knights Daughter; You may share your poeticall invention, sir. De. Give you joy, Captaine. Un. She is still loth to confesse it.

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