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"There's no way out of it, my dear," he said finally as he took his leave he was her father's cousin and very fond of her "this judge has the power to send you to jail if he wants to and dares to! It's an even chance whether he will dare to or not. It depends on whether he prefers to stand well with the McGurks or with the general public.

Thus, without her knowing it, Miss Beekman was an essential witness and, in fact, the pivot upon which the entire case turned. The day of the great sporting event came. With it arrived in full panoply the McGurks, their relatives and followers. All Cherry Hill seemed to have packed itself into Part I of the Supreme Court. There was an atmosphere somehow suggestive of the races or a prize fight.

"A hundred McGurks could never have killed him!" There was a sharp explosion from the midst of the fire. "See! He's fighting against his death!" "No! No! It's only the falling of a timber!" Yet with a panic at his heart he knew that it was the sharp crack of a firearm. "Liar again! Pierre, for God's sake, do something for him. Father! He's fighting for his life!"

"Well, so are the McGurks!" warned O'Brien. "Now, Miss Beekman," said Judge Babson most genially the next morning, after that lady had taken her seat in the witness chair and the jury had answered to their names, "I hope you feel differently to-day about giving your testimony. Don't you think that after all it would be more fitting if you answered the question?"

"A hundred McGurks could never have killed him!" There was a sharp explosion from the midst of the fire. "See! He's fighting against his death!" "No! No! It's only the falling of a timber!" Yet with a panic at his heart he knew that it was the sharp crack of a firearm. "Liar again! Pierre, for God's sake, do something for him. Father! He's fighting for his life!"