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Here the seer was silent. Then he continued: "Pardon me, Flaccus, but I am poorly, and must ride home before the mists rise from the Campagna." "Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume! Labuntur anni! I will follow you, friend, on my ass, for you are sick.

But Polyphemus remained, hungry, sad, gazing on the barren sea, and piping to the mockery of its waves. Filled with these Greek fancies, it is strange to come upon a little sandstone dell furrowed by trickling streams and overgrown with English primroses; or to enter the village of Roccabruna, with its mediæval castle and the motto on its walls, Tempora labuntur tacitisque senescimus annis.

One of her delights was to learn from me scraps of Horace, and then bring them into her conversation with 'colleged men. I have come upon her in lonely places, such as the stair-head or the east room, muttering these quotations aloud to herself, and I well remember how she would say to the visitors, 'Ay, ay, it's very true, Doctor, but as you know, "Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, labuntur anni," or 'Sal, Mr.

"'Eheu, fugaces, Postume, Postume, Labuntur anni," said the Colonel, insensibly imbibing one of those Horatian particles that were ever floating in that classic atmosphere to Darrell medicinal, to Fairthorn morbific. "Years slide away, Willy, mutely as birds skim through air; but when friend meets with friend after absence, each sees the print of their crows' feet on the face of the other.