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On the whole, I was rather afraid he wouldn't, for Kitty's laugh sometimes rang out a little too loud, and Kitty's spirits sometimes got the better of her and set her frisking like a kitten, and I was afraid the modest sense of propriety which was one of the Jook's strong points would not survive it.

Kitty was as bright and good-natured as ever, ready to enjoy all the little pleasures that came in her way, though now and then I fancied that I detected a stealthy, wistful look at the Jook's impassive face. It was lovely that day, but fearfully hot.

One of the Jook's most striking peculiarities, though by no means an uncommon one among his countrymen, was a profound distrust of new acquaintances and an utter incapacity of falling into the free and easy ways which prevail more strongly perhaps in Florida than in any other part of America.

It was not until Love the magician had touched her heart that the honest and loyal little Kitty that lay at the bottom of all her whims and follies was developed. The very sense of unworthiness which she felt in view of the Jook's straightforward and manly ardor was the surest guarantee for the perfection of her cure. A truce to moralizing. Kitty does not need it, nor the Jook either.

Afther awhile his daughter, the jook's financee, come along; an', seein' the jook, says she, 'Pappa, she says, 'inthrojooce me to ye'er frind. 'Jook, says Ganderbilk, 'shake hands with me daughther. She's your's, he says. An' so they were marrid. "Well, Jawn," said Mr.