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Oi've not been introjuced to 'm." "Are you going among elephants, Flix, and don't know what a pachyderm is?" demanded Scott. "Oi see, it's the elephant, and ye's call him so bekase he carries his pack on his bachk; and 'pon me worrud that's the roight place to carry it." "I wonder if we are to have any hunting out here where we are going," suggested Scott. "How is it, Louis?

"And when this chap married 'er sister 'im and me was great friends what must 'e do but arst me down to Colchester, close by where She lived. Naturally I was introjuced to 'er people, and well, very soon, her and me was engaged." He repeated "engaged."

"And I can tell you, Miss Annett, that you need never 'ave no fear of bein' introjuced to Royalty one of these days after bein' with that Mr. Dune, because it puts you in practice, I can tell you, and a nice spoken gentleman 'e is and quiet never does a thing 'e shouldn't, but wicked under it all I'll be bound. 'E's no chicken, you take it from me. Born yesterday? I don't think. . . ."

Sez I to the man, 'My paceful squireen, sez I, 'you shquot on your hunkers an' dimonstrate to my frind here, where your frinds are whin they're at home? Wid that I introjuced him to the clanin'-rod, an' he comminst to jabber; the Interprut'r interprutin' in betweens, an' me helpin' the Intilligince Departmint wid my clanin'-rod whin the man misremimbered.