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Updated: August 14, 2024

For did we know nothing by Inference and Deduction, both our knowledge and injoyment would be very short of what they now are; many considerable pleasures depending almost intirely upon Reason; and there being none of the greatest Enjoyments of Sense which would not lose their best Relish, separated from those concomitant satisfactions which accompany them only as we are rational Creatures.

"Sis' Jane Callender, she have been mighty sick," broke in Aunt Dicey Fairfax, "but I reckon she gwine pull thoo', the Lawd willin'." "Amen," said Mr. Buford. "Huh, uh, children, I done hyeahd de washin' of de waters of Jerdon." "No, no, Sistah Callendah, we hope to see you well and happy in de injoyment of de pension dat I understan' de gov'ment is goin' to give you."

Chr. For what did you bring yourself into this condition? Man. For the Lusts, Pleasures, and Profits of this World; in the injoyment of which I did then promise myself much delight; but now even every one of those things also bite me, and gnaw me like a burning worm. Chr. But canst thou not now repent and turn? Man.

You have seen that the sumptuosest Feast full of delicate dishes, and the pleasurablest Country Scituations, with al their rich fruits, finally cloggeth, through the continual injoyment of them. Nevertheless it is the generall desire of all persons, forasmuch as it is possible, to live in the World in pleasure and delights.

Shall it Pleas the great & Gen'll Court to grant this o'r Petition, wee shall be much more able to defray Publick Charges, both Civil, & Ecclesiasticall, to settle o'r Minister amongst vs in order to o'r Injoyment of the Gospel in the fullness of it. Whence hopeing & believing that the Petition of the Poor, & needy will be granted.

And as we delight in our selves, and receive pleasure from the objects which surround us, sufficient to indear to us the possession and injoyment of Life, we cannot from thence but infer, that this Wise and Powerful Being is also most Good, since he has made us out of nothing to give us a Being wherein we find such Happiness, as makes us very unwilling to part therewith.

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