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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Get ye gone, ye baste," replied the amiable Misthress Wheelwright, "you mallet-headed bog-throtter, to hinsult an honest woman all of a suddint so. No gintilman would thrifle with a dacent woman afther this gate, whin he'd niver seen her." "Och, murther in Irish now, and it's the blissed thruth, Misthress Judy, that I was tellin ye. But thin, such is the way of the world Saint Pathrick save us!

As to the honor an’ dignity o’ travellin’ vere can that be without a coachman, and vat’s the rail, to sich coachmen as is sometimes forced to go by it, but an outrage and an hinsult?

His skin's as pale as a lassie in love. 'In the army, Jock? Don't hinsult 'im. 'E's one of the 'eroes of the 'ome front hindispensibles, they calls 'em. 'Weel, weel, noo, expostulated the Scot, 'dinna tak' ower muckle for granted. We canna a' gang tae the war, or wha wud bide at hame an' mak the whusky?

You pushes it into my 'ands, almost weepin', you was, and sez, sez you, 'Stryker, you sez, 'tyke this in triflin' toking of my gratichood; I wouldn't hinsult you, you sez, 'by hofferin' you money, but this I can insist on yer acceptin', and no refusal, says you." "Oh," repeated Kirkwood.

"'Eld the Helliot belt in Hinjer last year, they say," continued the Cockney. "Good? Not'arf. I wouldn't go an' hinsult the bloke for the price of a pot. No. 'Erbert 'Awker would not. Dam, arrayed in hob-nailed boots, turned-up overalls "authorized for grooming," and a "grey-back" shirt, looked indefinably a gentleman.

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