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"Na! ane o' them was inclined to be impident, but the ither, a guid-lookin' young felly, accordin' to Jean, took their pairt an' quarrelled wi' his comrade, sae that they cam to loggerheeds at last, but what was the upshot naebody kens, for the bairns took to their heels an' left them fechtin'." "An' what if they sud fin' yer hoose an' the bairns unproteckit?" asked the shepherd.

"Come wi' me, Jock, and I'll show ye Edinburgh, as ye have showed me the hills of heather!" This was Ralph's invitation. "Na," said Jock, "an' thank ye kindly a' the same. There's muckle loons there that micht snap up a guid-lookin' lad like Jock, an' ship him ontill their nesty ships afore he could cry 'Mulquarchar and Craignell! Jock Gordon may be a fule, but he kens when he's weel aff.

The gentleman was a certain Willie Smith a young, guid-lookin fallow, who sat in the same kirk wi' us, an' between whom an' Lizzy there had lang existed the telegraphic correspondence o' looks an' smiles, an' sighs, an' blushes in fact, just such a correspondence as I had carried on mysel, wi' this important difference, however, that it wasna a' on ae side, as it noo appeared it had been in my case.

I could manage wi' ninepence. 'Ach, I didna think ye was as mean as that, Wullie! Was was she guid-lookin'? 'I didna notice her face a great deal; but she's a beezer for stootness. I'm gaun to meet her again on ma next leave. If I tell her we've orders for the Dardanelles, there's nae guessin' what she'll dae for me. 'She maun be unco saft, Macgregor commented pityingly.