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Ac morositas tamen et ea vitia, quae dixi, habent aliquid excusationis, non illius quidem iustae, sed quae probari posse videatur: contemni se putant, despici, illudi; praeterea in fragili corpore odiosa omnis offensio est; quae tamen omnia dulciora fiunt et moribus bonis et artibus, idque cum in vita tum in scaena intellegi potest ex eis fratribus qui in Adelphis sunt.

We all laughed at this reply, and Monsieur D'A, rising to depart, said, "Well, well, milord, your countrymen are great generalizers in philosophy; they reduce human actions to two grand touchstones. All hilarity, they consider the sign of a shallow mind; and all kindness, the token of a false heart." Quis sapiens bono Confidat fragili. Seneca. Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice lis est.

We all laughed at this reply, and Monsieur D'A , rising to depart, said, "Well, well, milord, your countrymen are great generalizers in philosophy; they reduce human actions to two grand touchstones. All hilarity, they consider the sign of a shallow mind; and all kindness, the token of a false heart." Quis sapiens bono Confidat fragili. Seneca. Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice lis est.

Thus man is there like a little god in his own world or Microcosm, which he governs after his own fashion: he sometimes performs wonders therein, and his art often imitates nature. Jupiter in parvo cum cerneret aethera vitro, Risit et ad Superos talia dicta dedit: Huccine mortalis progressa potentia, Divi? Jam meus in fragili luditur orbe labor.