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Besides herself, it is composed of Mademoiselle DEVIENNE, DAZINCOURT, and FLEURY. I am confidently assured that the choice and reception of pieces, and the debut of performers depend entirely on them.

Mademoiselle THENARD begins to double her in this line of acting, but in a manner neither more sprightly nor more captivating. Parts of Soubrettes or Chambermaids. Mesdemoiselles DEVIENNE and DESBROSSES.

Mademoiselle DEVIENNE. If Mademoiselle CONTAT changes the principal characters in comedy into those of chambermaids, Mademoiselle DEVIENNE does the contrary, and from the same motive, namely, because she is deficient in the requisites for her cast of parts, such as warmth, comic truth, and vivacity.

'Ah, le pauv' Loulou so now he has the pretension to be jealous. Then she would be interrupted by a paroxysm of laughter; after which, 'Oh, qu'il est drôle, she would gasp. 'Pourvu qu'il ne devienne pas gênant!

Ce qu'il y a de pis c'est le mécontentement général, et la pauvreté universelle. Cette malheureuse révolution et ces suites ont ruiné le pays, de fond en comble. Tout le monde est pauvre, et, ce qui est pis, leurs institutions empêchent qu'aucune famille devienne riche et puissante. Tous doivent donc nécessairement viser

This tallies to a great extent with what I was told by an officer this morning who had taken part in the engagement. The Gazette Officielle contains a decree cashiering M. Devienne, President of the Cour de Cassation, and sending him to be judged by his own court, for having been the intermediary between Badinguet and his mistress, Marguerite Bellanger.