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Updated: August 16, 2024

"This looks kind of black for us, fellows," remarked Bob. "And we've got those scoundrels to thank for it without the shadow of a doubt," put in Paul, with flashing eyes. "I'd give a year of my life to get my hands on that Pete Deveaux right now." "It's lucky they got out ahead of us," added Tom significantly.

Deveaux!" warned the referee suspiciously, as Paul shoved his opponent back. "Keep out of the clinches! Fight fair!" "Fair! Fair!" yelled the sailors; and the natives took up the cry in their own language. Paul now advanced, and Pete Deveaux retreated. The latter was really frightened. Something was beginning to tell him that in this youth of eighteen he had met his superior.

This last trick was more honest strategy than Deveaux had exhibited before, and they could therefore admire it in that sense. They hoped that from now on his maneuvers might be as free from maliciousness. But their rivals had not fooled them as badly as they thought.

Searching the horizon for their rivals, they saw that, evidently satisfied with the mischief they had done, the Clarion crew had gone on at full speed, for they were now far ahead. "If I ever run onto Pete Deveaux again I believe I shall be angry enough to choke him till he's unable to speak his own name," declared Paul. "I'm afraid I'll have to help you at that job, Paul," cried Tom.

The Frenchman reeled backward a few steps, and toppled over, full length upon the ground. What a cry went up from the onlookers! By this time the sympathies of every one, except Deveaux's own comrades, were with the youth. No one, even a half-civilized savage, at heart likes a coward. For a few moments Pete Deveaux was dazed.

Pete Deveaux snarled back some answer which they could not make out. Our friends returned to the Sky-Bird. In a few minutes Bob, who had climbed on top of the fuselage to test the helium valves, came down and said: "Something new is going on over in our neighbor's yard, fellows.

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