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Updated: August 19, 2024

Saint Patrick Prophesieth of the Sanctity of Saint Columba. A certain prince named Conallus sought and obtained a blessing from the saint. And with the like purpose came also his younger brother, Fergus, who was one of the most powerful chiefs of the country. And him, the holy prelate, having prayed, blessed, and laid his hand upon his head with much solemnity and with peculiar devotion.

Then Conallus, being comforted and confirmed in the Catholic verity, offered unto the saint his dwelling-house, and his land, and his farm, and besought of him with many prayers that for the spreading of the Christian faith he there would build a city for him and for his people; and he said he would build a habitation for himself on the borders thereof.

And the word of the man of God obtained, for all his posterity became subject unto the posterity of his brother Conallus, and they came unto the throne of his kingdom; and the river, which is called Seyle, even to this day beareth no fishes. Of Conallus, and of the Prophecy of Patrick concerning him.

And the saint, leaving those children of darkness in the anger and blindness of their hearts, and the depth of their error, turned his steps towards Conallus, who was to be the child of the truth.

And Saint Patrick addressed his well-beloved, the Prince Conallus; and he enquired of him whether would he assume the habit of a monk. And the prince replied that his heart was prepared to do whatsoever the saint would command.

Therefore with the sign of the cross he fortified himself, and opposed it to the enemies of Christ; and fire marvellously descending from heaven consumed the evil-doers, and left Conallus standing among them, unhurt of the flame, as he was guiltless of their sin.

But an illustrious man named Enda, the friend of the holy prelate, observing the treachery of these wicked men, sent unto them his own son named Conallus, that he might prevent their endeavor, and repulse their violence from the man of God. And the son did even as his father commanded, and stood, the son of light, among these sons of darkness.

And after a short space, according to the prophecy of the holy man, did Fergusius obtain the government of all that country, and his seed ruled therein for many generations. And thence was born Edan, the son of Gabranus, who reduced Scotia, which is called Albania, and other islands wherein his posterity yet reigneth. Of Conallus and of his Shield.

And Leogaire had two brothers, the elder of whom was named Coyrbre, like unto him in cruelty and unbelief, if, indeed, any one could in that country be found like him, who contemned and condemned the law of the Most High; and the younger was named Conallus, who retained no more of his birth than does the fish of the sea or the rose of the thorn.

And he purposed to travel round the whole island, that he might convert it unto Christ; and the saint, being prepared to his journey, blessed Conallus, and in memorial of himself he left in the aforementioned city his altar of stone, for the relieving of the sick and for the working of miracles; but when he proceeded on his journey, the altar followed, nor to the eyes of any man was it visible how it was carried; but, as I account, it was carried along the path of the saint by the power and the virtue of Him at whose nod the prophet was carried from Judea into Chaldea.

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