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But Patrick having gone to Coyrbre, who then abided in the place called Tailltion, that he might convert him unto the Christian faith, if in any wise from that stone could a son be raised up unto Abraham, yet he, his heart being hardened against belief, intended the death of the preacher who would have preached life unto him, and even in the middle of the river he scourged the servants of Patrick; and the saint, knowing him to be obstinate in his error, and to be abandoned of God, thus prophesied unto him: "Since thou hast refused to bear the yoke of Christ, whose service is freedom, no one of thy posterity shall attain the throne of thy kingdom, but in perpetual servitude shall they serve the seed of thy younger brother, Conallus.

And he signed his shield with the sign of the staff of Jesus, declaring that no one of his progeny who should carry this shield in battle should ever by any one be vanquished. And the chronicles of Hibernia declare, and her bards record, that this the saint's prophecy unto Conallus and his seed duly came to pass.

But Conallus, who was elder in birth and in dominion, seeing that the saint had blessed his brother more earnestly and more devoutly than himself, wondered and grieved mightily.

And the saint, praising so great charity in his novice, lest he should seem to reject his entreaty, builded there a city, which is now called Domnhach Phadruig that is, the City of Patrick; and touching it with his staff, he marked out the dwelling-place of Conallus, which is now called Rathyr-tair.