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He found John Tegan commandeering a squad of ten dirty-faced men. "Are the women and children all out?" he shouted. "All taken care of." Tegan spat tobacco juice, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Where's Mel?" "Left flank. He'll try to move in behind them. Gonna be tough, Pete, they've got good weapons." "What about the boys last night?"

They were wrangling about the commandeering of gold and the sjamboking shamboking, you pronounce it of Johannesburg refugees. There was Sir Gordon Sprigg, thrice Premier, grey-bearded, dignified, and responsible in bearing and speech, conversationally reasonable in tone. There was Mr Schreiner, the Premier, almost boyish with plump, smooth cheeks and a dark moustache.

As to looting, we must not forget that all commandeering of goods on the part of the enemy has been so described. But, of course, it is perfectly legitimate according to the usage of modern warfare to seize any property necessary for an army provided receipts are duly handed over to the persons from whom the goods are obtained.

Lieutenant Cockerell accordingly detached a sergeant and a corporal from his train, and passed on. The wants of "B" Company were supplied by commandeering a block of four dilapidated houses farther down the street all in comparatively good repair except the end house, whose roof had been disarranged by a shell during the open fighting in the early days of the war.

But President Brand had sense enough to see that participation in Transvaal difficulties could in no way benefit the Free State, and, in fact, that interference was not desirable or advisable. When the previous Boer War broke out, he intimated that no commandeering would be enforced in the Free State, but that those burghers who chose to engage in warfare might do so.

The commandeering of cattle was an industry now well established. It was a pleasing spectacle, on Sunday morning, to behold the results of the preceding night's operations as they were driven through the streets, and to witness the unconcern with which the languid quadrupeds suffered the loss of their independence.